Stacey's New Store and a their collab kit !!

>> March 3, 2009

Hey everyone... am happily away on vacation and enjoying every moment of it !! And when i checked my inbox today.... OMG !! so many messages !! And as far as the scrap world is concerned .. a lot has been happening here as well !!

First of all, Stacey's new store at 'Scrap that Idea'... have you checked it out yet ??
Its soo cool and guess which other amazing designers are a part of it !! Hop on over to the store and find out..
They have also released a collab kit called ' Fresh ideas' , as a part of their grand opening.. And here is the preview of the entire kit and the layout i came up with !! Click on the preview to get redirected to the store..

And secondly, my new kit called 'Long Ago' will be up for download in sometime. So dont forget to grab that as well !! I'll be back in some time with the links...

bye for now.


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frame : pink poodle || paper : Amy wolff 's Callico Cottage || fonts : century gothic, pea kadee and spendid 66

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